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List Price: $36.17
Price: $21.39 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details
You Save: $14.78 (41%)
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A must for just about any first aid or emergency kit, QuikClot Sport Silver stops moderate to severe bleeding until further medical help is available.
Product Features
- QuikClot is a chemically inert material in a mesh bag that speeds coagulation of blood, resulting in a stable clot that stops bleeding
- Stops bleeding more quickly than conventional methods and is safe to leave on wounds until more advanced medical help arrives
- With QuikClot Sport Silver, there is an added antibacterial advantage of ionic silver. Silver acts to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi which can be especially important if medical care is not immediately available
- Package contains a 3.5 x 3.5 in. (25g) bag of Quikclot Sport Silver